Hi! Today, Keiko became a Painaputchi.
Keiko sleeps peacefully. |
Also, Andromeda and Anton married and had two baby boys. I took a video, but my devilish camera suddenly rebelled decided to avoid being a subservient tool and instead give me horrible resolution videos, so the video I ended up with was so bad I couldn't post it.
Now for one more thing to talk about: the Tamagotchi P! What do you think about it? In my opinion, it seems a bit volatile. On one hand, it's got all these brand new features, which sound really cool. On the other, there are almost no pre-existing characters on it. The shell design seems a bit too glittery, weird, and Barbie-esque, and I hear the download feature has been removed! Last but not least, Bandai ousted many of the existing characters (Lovelitchi, Meloditchi, Kuishinbotchi, etc.) from the Tamagotchi anime, and hence the Tamagotchi P. Injustices here! OK, I don't actually watch the Tamagotchi anime, but I'd like to, and it sounds like it's really good. While I'm at it, where can you find all the Tamagotchi anime episodes? I'm able to find individual ones, but not the whole set. I can find the occasional English one, but oddly enough not the first episode. I don't care if it's in English or Japanese, but I'd like to watch the anime. OK, rant and bloviation OVER.
This is all pending information, and I could be wrong about a lot of it. We'll find more about it soon. Maybe the Tamagotchi anime isn't so sinister as it seems.
Thanks for reading! Mata atode!