Friday, May 24, 2013


It's Friday, so I'm unpausing my Tamagotchis. We have exactly 8 days of school left (2 four-day weeks) and then I'm out of school! In exactly 2 weeks, I will be done with school for the year, and able to blog freely (for the most part).
Bella is still a Mohitamatchi and Viva is still an Ura Young Memetchi, but that should change pretty soon.
This is a 3-day weekend, so there should be a fair amount of Tamagotchi-ing.
I look forward to the day that school ends! It will be a leisurely, restful summer. I will be able to start up more Tamagotchis, too. :)
Mata atode!
PS: my BFF Tamagal invited me to join her Tamagotchi blog as a co-author. So you can also find me on :)

1 comment:

  1. Anytime Amat! It's good to know someone is sharing one of my most favorite things! =D
