Sunday, May 26, 2013


Yesterday morning, Bella evolved from Mohitamatchi to Young Dorotchi and started school. I was aiming for Pukatchi, so we were playing the game Shape a lot to increase her intelligence points.
Viva was still an Ura Young Memetchi. We'd been playing the game Manhole to increase her Spiritual skill points. I was aiming for Ura Violetchi, but I wouldn't have been upset at getting Ura Zukyutchi. As long as I didn't get Shitekitchi again.

Viva. So cute as a teen!
Bella as Young Dorotchi.
Bella up close!
Bella up close on the other side.
This morning, I woke up late, but I was excited to see if Viva had evolved. She had, but...
Sorry to be so cruel, but Shitekitchi is awful! It seems like a curse: if I have a female teen on my V4.5s, I get Shitekitchi! She looks like an angry tennis ball with arms, legs, and way too much makeup.
Bella stayed a teen, and I'm working extra hard to make sure she becomes a Pukatchi.
That's all for now!
Thanks for reading; mata atode!


  1. Shitekitchi! X_x She totally angry, pink tennis ball with arms, legs and make up. At least you didn't get the pink pear with arms and legs; horoyotchi


    1. Agreed. I had Horoyotchi just once before. According to the Tamagotchi Wikia, "horoyoi" means "slightly drunk" in Japanese. :P

  2. Whoa really? Slighty drunk? Wow, thats crazy.

  3. Wow nice photos!!! Its so clear. What item did you use this to take such great photos.

    1. Thanks!
      I used my mom's iPod Touch 5. I used to use an old digital camera, but it was so glitchy and took forever to upload pictures onto the computer. With the iPod, I can just take the picture in the Blogger app, save, and then use my computer to adjust the size and do the rest of my post. :)
