Saturday, July 27, 2013


As I mentioned, Yoji hatched when I started up my Tamagotchi P's. he was a baby Aokumotchi. (Basically Blue-Cloud-tchi if you translate it.)
An hour later, he evolved into a Turtletchi. He was so adorable and I regret not taking photos of him.
A few days later, he became a Maimaitchi. He looks like a little snail!!

Yoji hangs out.
Usagi is still a Furawatchi. She still hasn't gotten all her happy symbols, but we're working on it! I'm a little sad that she's a first-generation Tamagotchi, but at least I didn't lose all the destinations and items that I earned through TamaTomo generations.

Based on this really nice growth chart,  Yoji could become a Rightchi, Kuchipatchi, Nandetchi, Mogumogutchi, Monakatchi, Spacytchi, Doyatchi, or Atchitchi. His current personality is "gourmet."

I really do like the Tamagotchi P's so far. The characters are a little more like real animals and less traditionally Tamagotchi-ish, but they are still super cute, and the toy is a lot of fun. I'm excited to see what the Deco Pierces can offer once I get some of them, and I love being able to connect my iD L and Tamagotchi P's. Someday, but not this Tamagotchi generation, I hope to marry these critters. :)

But that's all for now!
Thanks for reading! Mata atode!


  1. Why you cannot get Doyatchi? According to that P's growth chart you can get also Doyatchi : o And what kind of pierces are you going to buy? :3

    - Silverpatchi

    1. LOL yes you're right, thanks for pointing that out! I'll edit that part. ;)
      I'm thinking about getting a pierce like Love Melody because that will allow me to get Melodytchi (one of my favorite characters).

