Monday, June 24, 2013


So as some of you might know, I left for vacation two days ago. When I arrived here, my mom sent me an email and said my Tamagotchi P's had arrived back home. It was one day late and I wasn't there to see it. I'll be back home in a little under three weeks, so the Tamagotchi P's at home gives me something to look forward to. I'll probably do a review/"unboxing" video when I get home.
Anyway, I brought both my Tamagotchi Music Stars and Tama-Gos with me, along with my iD L! I think I'll start running that one today! And when I mentioned that the Music Stars got married, I didn't mention to whom.
Joshua got married to a Chantotchi and had a baby boy.
Chino? got married to a Kunoitchi and had a baby girl.
And I had my iD L on pause. Unfortunately, Aimi, who was a Hinonetchi at the time, came off pause while I was traveling (I guess the B button got pushed too many times inside my suitcase) and then evolved into Uwasatchi while off pause, then ran away. She was 3 years old and a 9th generation. She left this note:
Really, I did not wish to get is divided in this way. . . If I See You in turn, I hope if you are to be with you more. . . Bye-bye
[I translated that with Google Translate]
Aimi, I'm so sorry! I'll miss you! But I'm glad you didn't actually die.
I started a new generation, and it hatched into a little girl Momoirotchi.
I named her Usagi, which means "rabbit" in Japanese. Nicely enough, the iD L kept all my TamaTomos, items, and TamaTomo-unlocked areas, and Aimi the Uwasatchi never showed up in the list because she never became a TamaTomo character. The only change is, Usagi is a first-generation character.
An hour later, she evolved into Paletchi. I didn't get a picture this time because my camera's battery died.
That's all for now! Thanks for reading; mata atode!

1 comment:

  1. Usagi is cute name :3 And I would like to know what kind of Instruments and toys do you have in your music stars (you don't have to of you are too busy) And do you know did you det any Deco Pierces with your Tamagotchi P's?

    - Silverpatchi
