Sunday, April 20, 2014

[Video] I'm back...

Happy Easter!

Hey everyone!
I've been on hiatus for almost 6 months. Been so busy with school that I barely ran Tamagotchis at all. (I ran a V2 and V3 for a few days I think.)

Yesterday, though, I started up my black Tama-Go. I discovered a five-year-old, tenth-generation Tarakotchi whom I called Frizz. My choice in names is spectacular, but I don't even remember the last time I was running this Tamagotchi. (the beginning of the school year?)
I popped in my Violetchi figure and had fun failing at the "pingpong" game. 

But Violetchi came to celebrate Easter!
More fun with the Easter Bunny.
I'm really glad to be running a Tamagotchi again. I think I'll stick to the Tama-Go for 
now, since it quite literally cannot die and this last stretch of the school year is too busy for my liking.
Once summer comes I hope to start buying some more Tamagotchis; I haven't bought one since last June! I've heard a lot about the Tamagotchi Friends and Dream Town is fairly fun (but would be better with a Tamagotchi). What do you guys think of the Tamagotchi Friends? Leave your answers in the comments. :)
Hope to see you all a lot more in the future!
Thanks always for readng; mata atode!