Hey everyone! School started last Thursday but I've got enough time for a blog post today.
Aya evolved into a Giragiratchi (a girl secret character) and got her first happy symbol, the sparkly scrunchie. Then she got her second happy symbol, the TamaMori tree, and her fourth happy symbol since I kept her with me for 48 hours. We haven't found her third happy symbol yet.
She also got a pet, Harapparatchi.
Aya and Harapparatchi having fun outside. |
Aya and Harapparatchi getting a letter from Yoji. |
Yoji went out to the park this morning and ended up working at the TamaDepa. I'll upload a picture of this record in another post, since the iPod was acting up and wouldn't let me upload so many pictures at once.
Another surprise on the Tamagotchi P's is Eco Town, which we unlocked when Yoji helped clean up the park a couple weeks ago. When Yoji rides his Eco Car to visit Eco Town, the Eco People give him a fresh vegetable like a carrot or tomato . . . or soft serve ice cream! :P
Yoji gets soft serve ice cream from the inhabitants of Eco Town. |
Once I find Aya's final happy symbol, I'll marry Aya and Yoji (and possibly post a video of the wedding). They should make a cute couple and I'm ready for another generation on these Tamagotchis.
I ordered a Tamagotchi P's case from oddsandendswithlove on TamaTalk, so I'll show that once it arrives.
I'm also considering buying pierces for my P's. Does anyone have ideas on which pierces to buy? I'm looking at the Love Melo pierce since I'm so fond of Melodytchi, but a lot of the other pierces look cool too. The Baby Change pierce isn't too appealing to me, though.
That's all for now. Any questions, thoughts, ideas, or whatever else, just leave a comment below.
Thanks for reading; mata atode!