Saturday, April 27, 2013

Tamagotchi L.i.f.e. App

Hi everybody!
I started using the Tamagotchi L.i.f.e. app on an iPad, as I mentioned the other day.
I hatched this baby and named him Minnow. He was a Babytchi. (There are no genders on the app but he just seemed so masculine...)
Minnow as Babytchi
A little while later, he evolved into a Marutchi. I didn't get any pictures of him in this stage, sorry.
Today, at the age of 3 Tama-years (each Tama-year is around 24 hours), Minnow evolved into Kuchitamatchi. Some great things about this app are the screenshot function (which I used to get the pictures for this blog) and the fact that the more characters you raise, the more features you can unlock. The original shell designs are the above yellow one and a clear blue one. Each time your Tamagotchi hatches or evolves, you get a star for a character. At 3 stars I was able to unlock the new shell design below, along with a new wallpaper for App Mode.
Minnow in toy mode, with a new shell design.
Minnow in App Mode, with the new wallpaper.
I like this app, although it couldn't replace a Tamagotchi for me. The app seems to be getting pretty popular, so maybe Bandai will make a new Tamagotchi when they see how lucrative the Tamagotchi franchise can be, if they're creative enough. :)

Semi-nonsequitor: Are you a member of TamaTalk? TamaTalk is a forum/social network for Tamagotchi fans and friends of Tamagotchi fans. To stay the amazing community it is, it needs to maintain a lot of active members. Check it out! I have a link on this blog.

Other updates: Ruby and Atlas are almost old enough to mate. I've been connecting them a little; they'll marry if I connect them a lot more!
Until then, mata atode!
Thanks for reading!

Monday, April 22, 2013

A few changes...

Today I set up a Twitter account and enabled Google+ comments for my blog. If you're on Twitter check it out! My username is amatgotchi
Also, I tried out the Tamagotchi L.i.f.e. app on iOS. It worked great on an iPod Touch 5, but when I tried it out on an iPad 2, all the pixelated graphics were really messed up. Bandai, SyncBeatz, T-L.i.f.e., or whatever influential corporation you may be, please look into fixing this. (Maybe tablet users would want the Tamagotchi L.i.f.e. app as well?)
I might be setting up AdSense on this blog in the near future. How does that sound? Leave a comment or email me with feedback. :-)
Summer is almost here! Yesterday, I took my Tamawalkie out for a walk. Memetchi and I made it through Rapid City, South Dakota. And I got a souvenir: a buffalo. And a picture of Memetchi standing in front of Mount Rushmore.

I'll hand it to Bandai Asia for seriously being so geographically accurate. And for so well representing the Western United States. With a buffalo!!
On the current quarter of the map, I need to reach 2 more cities: Boise, Idaho; and Salt Lake City, Utah.
Today's question: what is your favorite Tamagotchi version?
That's all for now. Thanks for reading!
Mata atode,
Edit: the problem was fixed in a recent update. If you are experiencing this problem, then try updating the app. Lesson learned. :)

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Ruby and Atlas?

Hi guys!
The other day, Silver commented that I should marry my Memetchi Ruby to my Celebtchi Atlas. This sounds like a great idea! So I've started connecting them and right now they are friends. So I'll keep connecting them until they fall in love.
Anyway, Ruby has been enjoying her job as a florist. She hasn't been paid yet, but as a hard worker, I'm sure she will in no time.
Atlas got paid 1200 Gotchi points today for working as a pilot. The matchmaker just visited him, but we refused her because Ruby would be a better partner for him than the one Otokitchi offered: Horoyotchi.
I'm posting on an iPod now, so my giant pictures are below.
Thanks for reading; mata atode!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Ruby the...Florist?

Well, yesterday (after, yes, being paused quite some time) Ruby finished school (by yelling at her stricken teacher as usual), and then received a letter to start a job. Then I paused her again because I had a lot of stuff to do. This morning, I unpaused her, and opened up her mail. She had options to become a news reporter, musician, florist, hairdresser, or pre-school teacher. She failed when trying out as a musician, but then she had an interview to become a florist, and she made it!
So now she's got this great game (just like the bake shop one on V4, 4.5, and V6) in which she has a claw/arm thingy and has to pick up flowers from a conveyor belt. If I had a camera, I would show a picture of it. Lamentably, I am not at home right now. In the (hopefully near) future, I'll get a picture of her job for y'all, okay?

Other than that, I'm thinking of starting up another blog, probably a writing blog. I know you're thinking, You're completely insane; you don't have time to post much on one blog, how would you deal with two? The answer is simple: summer! That's when this blog started, and it means: nearly limitless time to do things that others believe is absolutely useless! Leave comments if you've got a good idea for a blog name!

Today's question: what's your favorite Tamagotchi character? Please leave your answer in the comments.
Thanks for reading; mata atode!