Tuesday, February 26, 2013


This morning, I was playing a few games with Ruby, a cute little Mohitamatchi. Then I left her alone for a while, and when I returned, she was an Ichigotchi! After a tearful goodbye to her preschool teacher, she started school, choosing the Flower Teacher for her great creativity.

Ruby says hello.

A bit nervous for school.
I'm on the right track for getting Memetchi if I give her enough artistic skill points! I've never had her on a V4 before, just once on a V3 and that's all (and my Memetchi was a boy that time...)
Ruby might be a teen for a few days, as I want to experience V4 TamaTown with her. I haven't had the opportunity to do this in a while (TamaTown is still up for V3 and V4/4.5 if you use tamagotchieurope.com ).
Leave comments if you're excited for the Tamagotchi L.i.f.e. app to come out on iOS! (I don't have any Android devices, but my family members have iPod Touch.)
Today's question: do you like Tamagotchi L.i.f.e.? Leave your feedback in the comments. :)
Thanks for reading! Mata atode!

Sunday, February 24, 2013


Gozarutchi left his daughter Ruby, a Tsubutchi. She is now a Mohitamatchi and has begun preschool!
Alice is still doing very well as an adult, waiting for the man of her dreams. However, tragedy has fallen, and her battery is somewhat dead. I wonder why her battery life is so substandard. (the battery is removed for the moment)
I asked Ruby if she wanted to be photographed, but she politely refused. I suppose that in her toddler state, she is pretty shy. :)
Well, that's it for now, but more updates later!
Thanks for reading!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Winter weather!

This morning, Alice became a Hiratchi. Although you've likely never heard of this character, she's very cute. It snowed here this morning, and then I looked at both of my Tamagotchis, and it was snowing for them, too!
Alice in the snow. Isn't she cute as Hiratchi?
Jake and his daughter with their snowman.
Jake hasn't yet left his daughter alone. I think when he does, I will name her Ruby.
That's all so far!
Thanks for reading, mata atode!

Sunday, February 17, 2013


Hi! I'm home for the weekend for once, so here goes...
I decided to start running my V4, named Jake. He is a Gozarutchi and has a baby girl Tsubutchi. Jake is a scientist at the moment, and weighs 99 pounds.
Jake with baby girl.
On my V2, Alice is still a Propellertchi and she should evolve soon.
That's all for now!
Thanks for reading, mata atode!

P.S. I am using my v4 partially so I can use the TamaTown which is still up if you use tamagotchieurope.

Monday, February 11, 2013


Okay Tamagotchi people...
Yesterday Alice evolved into Propellertchi!
I am traveling at the moment so I'm not sure how much I will be able to run my Tamagotchi but I will aim at taking great care of Alice over the next few days.
To y'all who read this, my blog will reach its full potential again soon. I have been pretty busy and neglecting it but will improve it in the near future.
Mata atode!
P.S. photo quality is debatable. Sorry about that. ;-)

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Draco left his little daughter in the middle of the night. I named her Alice. She was dejected when her father left, but after I cared for her a little, she evolved into a happy little Marutchi.